Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sugar Blues... and the Fork!

A recent article appearing in The New York Times, Is Sugar Toxic? (published April 13, 2011) journalist Gary Taubes strongly identifies the position that sugar is a chronic toxin that is different from other calories as it triggers heart disease, diabetes, and cancer and is the root of obesity and chronic illness in our nation. 

While the article is lengthy it presents research, and supporting data from health professionals, universities and organizations like the American Heart Association and the Dept. of Agriculture that highlights a correlation between sugar and the explosion of chronic disease.

While "evidence" directly linking overconsumption of sugar and disease is still requiring additional study Craig Thompson, president of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York is quoted as follows, "I have eliminated refined sugar from my diet and eat as little as I possibly can because I believe ultimately it's something I can do to decrease my risk of cancer."

There is much to learn from science about connections between food and health that can be beneficial. But, there is much already known about the benefits of eating a more plant-based diet that supports optimal health and healing. A new film, Forks Over Knives, with a positive focus on the benefits of a plant based diet, is currently being shown in select cities. Through this film, discussion is generated around the concept that what you eat on a daily basis will is what will add up to better health and happiness or increased risk for chronic illness and medical intervention.

It seems to make practical sense for today to not wait for even more research to prove what is already known about the benefits of eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains along with heeding the warnings already in place that stress the importance of reducing processed foods and especially sugar from all sources.

If you have tried and failed at dieting, maybe its time to use a health coach to create a lifestyle for eating and enjoying the best of foods that are best for you.

Contact me for a consultation to discuss your unique health concerns.

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