Monday, November 5, 2012

Fatigue, Sleep and FOOD!

Fatigue, sleep and food are all related. Simply put, if your diet lacks essential sleep, vitamins and nutrients, you are very likely to experience fatigue that limits your energy, productivity, and the ability to enjoy significant relationships. 

Here are some tips that you can use to fight fatigue:
  • Perhaps the most obvious way to reduce fatigue is by getting more rest. Focus on increasing your sleep time by going to bed 30 minutes earlier each night. 
  • Drink more water! This key nutrient is often overlooked in favor of caffeine, but adequate water intake can boost energy more effectively than caffeine over time. It’s suggested that increasing your water intake to at least 8 glasses a day will help reduce fatigue. Sip water throughout your day to keep hydrated and alert with the added benefit of reducing cravings!
  • If you lack vitamin B or iron in your diet, these can also lead to fatigue. Essential B vitamins and iron can be found in foods like seeds, leafy greens, Brewer’s yeast, eggs, kale, carrots, celery, cauliflower, broccoli, garlic, mushrooms, beans, bananas and berries. 
  • Reducing your intake of simple carbohydrates like bread, pasta, convenience foods and sweetened foods will also help with fatigue. Make sure that your diet consists of more complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruit and plenty of colorful vegetables and leafy greens. 
And training your body and schedule to allow for sleep that is unbroken and restful is often the biggest challenge of all. Remember to turn off electronics 30 minutes or more before sleeping. Do not eat or drink within two hours of sleeping, as this creates “work” for your digestive tract that keeps your body from sleeping soundly. Set your mind on hopeful or grateful thoughts from your day. Relax your muscles with gentle stretching before getting into bed. 

Daytime habits and bedtime routines are related and affect each other. Create the nutritional habits during the day that support your body’s requirement for rest at night... a happier, more energized life is your gift!

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